Artpapel una Historia de Amor y Papel - About us

En 2007 creamos ArtPapel para mantener viva la herencia del antiguo oficio de la encuadernación: «Desde nuestro comienzo hemos dado gran importancia a la elaboración artesanal de todos nuestros productos, prestando especial atención en elegir las mejores materias primas para la realización de nuestros álbumes, cuadernos, diarios y cartonajes» Nada en ArtPapel es fruto de la casualidad, el esfuerzo y la constante dedicación han dado sus resultados, así que después de siete años de actividad hemos desarrollado nuestra propia línea de papeles decorados, que se distinguen por su diseño y por la calidad del papel sobre que imprimimos.

Artpapel nasce nel 2007 con lo scopo di mantenere in vita l’antica tradizione dei maestri legatori e continuare così con la nostra tradizione familiare che da quattro generazioni si dedica alle arti grafiche applicate.
“ Sin dai nostri primi passi nel mondo della legatoria abbiamo dato una estrema importanza alla realizzazione artigianale di tutti i nostri prodotti, facendo speciale attenzione nelle scelta di materie prime pregiate per la confezione dei nostri album, quaderni, e articoli da scrittorio.”
“Nulla in Artpapel è casuale, la costanze dedicazione, lo sforzo, l’innovazione e la tradizione che abbiamo alle spalle hanno dato i suoi risultati. Così dopo i primi cinque anni di attività abbiamo creato la nostra propria linea di carte decorate per legatoria e cartotecnica.

ArtPapel is a young and dynamic company dedicated to artistic bookbinding, fine stationery, and papers design. Created in 2007 by Giuliano Camilleri, a Italian book conservator and Alicia Oceja López  Spanish bookbinder, ArtPapel is located in Santillana del Mar, a little medieval town in the north of Spain, close to the Altamira Caves “Sixtina Chapel of Prehistoric Age”.

From the care and conservation of rare books to the creation of journals, diary, photo albums and fine stationery.

ArtPapel propose historical techniques of bookbinding and make is products use a mixture of old and modern and contemporary materials: hand made paper, leather and parchment become main characters along with fabric, bookbinding cloth, linen and paper threads in a journey of reclamation of ancient materials in which blend together present influences and styles.

Every diary or photo album is totally handmade, a piece of art made with paper and leather. ArtPapel is a history of paper, we love paper and the goods materials, parchment, leather, ribbons...

We rediscovered the ancient techniques of bookbinding, the Japanese bookbinding, the Coptic and the Arabic, and with old techniques and new materials our products of stationery becomes a pieces of art.

ArtPapel produces is line of stationery only in limited editions of only 100 copies, so when you open one of our notebooks, diaries or photo albums of Florentia Line, or Orient Winds Line, you really open a bookbinding handmade sewing,covered with the beast leathers or cloths.

ArtPapel ist ein junges und dynamisches Unternehmen, das in der Entwicklung und Produktion von Briefpapier , Fotoalben , Notebooks, Kisten, Kartons und Papier Dekor spezialisiert . 

Geboren in Santillana del Mar in 2007 will Artpapel zu lebendig das Erbe der alten Kunst der Buchbinderei zu halten. Giuliano Camilleri und Alicia Oceja, haben von Anfang an die alten Techniken Typographie , Einband und Verpackung erholt. Mischen neu und modern mit den alten Techniken werden ArtPapel Produkte von der Qualität der Materialien , Skins, dekoriert Papiere , Stoffe für Buchbinderei aus. Immer aufmerksam zum Detail auf der Suche nach originellen und hohe Qualität.